Report published in Endoscopisc Lumbar Using Endospine®

Dr Jean Destandau :

"Since 1993, I have operated on more than 10 000 Patients with Lumbar Disc Prolapse using a technique of endoscopic spine surgery I have developed. This technique uses an Endospine®, a set of outer tube/insert and inner tube/working insert with an endoscope.

 The incidence of lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse is a common occurrence. Standard surgical treatment is discectomy with a posterior approach. With the Endospine® operating tube, the same approach and surgical technique can be used while reducing the size of skin incision and approach-related tissue trauma, especially in obese patients. Endospine® helps in any deep-located pathology, such as disc herniation, stenosis, and foraminal disc herniation, in the lumbar spine.

Because of Endospine®, the surgeon’s eye is focused right inside the body close to the pathology that is to be treated. Apart from cosmetic benefit related to reduced length of incision, short access route and reduced length of incision help in reducing postoperative incision discomfort and obtaining rapid resumption of routine activities."

Lumbar disc herniation (central, paracentral, extruded, migrated) with nerve root compression leading to radiculopathy may not be adequately relieved with conservative treatment. All levels from L5/S1 to L1/2 can be approached with this technique.

This procedure shows outstanding results.90,5% of cases results are excellent and 91%of patients returned to work within an average period of 3 weeks.

Have a look at this infographic of a report about Endoscopic Lumbar Disectomy Using Endospine:
